Medical pros tell Government “cut car culture and budget for active travel for kids”

12 April, 2018 Mark Sutton It's a world-wide pandemic. This report could be processed in any county. This one happens to be from UK. An evidence-based call to action by medical experts to end a “42-year trend” of car domination is gaining traction, with the authors calling on the UK Government to drive a change in transport habits. Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine , the authors outline the consequences of not getting tough on childhood obesity, something their studies tie to sedentary travel habits. An accompanying letter – mailed to UK transport ministers Chris Grayling, Humza Yousaf, Ken Skates and Karan Bradley – calls for dedicated funding of “at least 10% of the national transport budgets to pay for infrastructure interventions supported by a behaviour change programme.” This is not a new proposal having previously been presented by the Association of Directors of Public Health as long ago as 2008, endorsed by over 100 concerned academic, health, transpor...